#5for5BrainDump · life

I Remember…

Happy New Year, faithful readers! I can't believe it is already 2018, and here I am, best intentions in hand, and yet only typing up my first blog post of the year - the first post in months! I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but I do have every intention of publishing posts here… Continue reading I Remember…

#5for5BrainDump · writing

5for5BrainDump: I Am Choosing…

It's another #5for5BrainDump week hosted by Julie Jordan Scott! Today's writing prompt was "I Am Choosing to..." OR "I Am Shifting Into..." Today, I am choosing to approach the day with an open heart, and open mind. I choose to let the day teach me what it needs to, without trying to control it all,… Continue reading 5for5BrainDump: I Am Choosing…

#5for5BrainDump · life · self-discovery · writing

Unseen story

I was rooting through some older notebooks, looking for content to repurpose. I discovered more than a handful of entries that had never seen the light of day (How can I “repurpose" something that has never been shared to begin with?). I have been participating in the 5for5BrainDump writing challenges for over a year, and I… Continue reading Unseen story

#5for5BrainDump · writing

5for5BrainDump: 9/28/17

Writing prompt: "I am strong...I am capable...I am..." I am strong, not despite my flaws and weaknesses, but because of them, in tandem with them. I am strong because I keep persisting; I am encouraging myself to push through my fears, instead of running from them. Mom has always said something like, “Courage is being… Continue reading 5for5BrainDump: 9/28/17

#5for5BrainDump · writing

5for5BrainDump: 9/27/17

I choose to make time for… ...and less time for/with/on… I choose to make less time for negativity and worry. It's eating me alive from the inside out - turning into a simmering rage that tarnishes everything I touch, hurts the ones I love. I choose not to allow anxiety anymore time that it has… Continue reading 5for5BrainDump: 9/27/17