self-discovery · spirituality

Manifesto of Myself, iii

I open myself to passion;
I open myself to pleasure;
I open my heart to joy;
I open my heart to possibility, and banish the pervasive fear of disappointment;
I open myself to what is GOOD.

I open myself to change, transformation, shedding of skin, and sloughing of selves that are shaping me into something more (Christine…only more so);
I want more than just existing.

I want honey on my lips;
I want soft, sweet kisses;
I want laughter that makes my belly ache, full from freedom to feel;
I want a community to love me in my laughter and my tears;
I want to be ME, accepted, and longed for;

I want storytelling and friends around fires;
I want sweaty summer barefoot dancing with a girl who smells like oils and and sage and self-confidence;

I want the will to want this all;
I want the will to live my life again (…for the first time);

So mote it be. So mote it be.

I banish sadness and all the ways it has crept through my life like poison ivy – tentacles of fear and grief, choking out the fields of my soul.
I belong among the wildflowers;
I belong in my own thriving, beautiful life;
I belong inside this skin;
I belong in this broken, divine world, sharing my words and my voice;

I belong here…and I convinced myself I didn’t;
Drank someone else’s Kool-Aid, believing lies about who I am and what I deserve;
I want to be here NOW, present, powerful, open…

And so it is.*


*I wrote this back in November (2019), when I was first starting to understand what it means to make space for That Which Is To Come. Never doubt your ability to manifest the vision of your higher mind, even in the dark stillness of the seasons you can’t see what’s ahead.

3 thoughts on “Manifesto of Myself, iii

  1. I love Your desires. All of them.
    I support You in Your quest, Priestess.
    Count me in as a member of Your community that holds space for Your transformation.

    Liked by 1 person

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